Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How to choose hair color for your wig

How to choose color of hair wig?

Choosing the right color of your hair wig or hair extension is extremely important about your happiness with the product.

So here is our Guide to choosing color:
1. Are you selecting human hair or synthetic hair?
Human hair colors tend to be a shade lighter than synthetic hair colors. For example, if you wear a human hair wig in color 2 and want to buy a synthetic hair wig, you should choose color 4. Another important thing to know about hair colors is that you can dye 100% human hair product while you cannot alter the color of a synthetic hair product.

2. Are you looking for a natural looking color or a fancy color? Most often fancy colors are manufactured in synthetic hair, as human hair is very expensive. If you are looking for a natural color, stay with the basic colors like 1, 1B, 2, 4, 27, 30, 33. If your hair does not match any of those colors then you may consider a mixed color.

3. Hair color abbreviations explained. (For color chart illustration click here) So you are looking at a product and the options for the colors read TT1B/350, FS1B/30, FR4/33 and you have no idea what those mean. Here is a break down for the most common color codes:

F colors at beginning, examples (F1B/30, F4/33, F1010 etc)---stands for mixed color combination, color ratio 1:1 This means that you get the same amount of the colors mixed in. (This color coding is most common for brands like Isis Collection, Femi Collection and Janet Collection)

F colors in the middle, examples ( 1BF30, 4F27, 4F30 etc)---stands for highlighted or frosted color. This means that you get the basic color as the overwhelming color and the color behind F as the highlight color. (This color coding is most common for brands like Motown Tress)

FR colors, examples (FR1B/27, FR4/27/30, FR1B/350, etc)----stands for Frosted color combination, color ratio: 1:1, also known as Zebra. This means that you have the basic color, with chunks of highlights of the secondary color/s.(This color coding is most common for brands like Femi Collection and Janet Collection)

FS colors, examples (FS1B/33, FS4/27, FS4/30, etc)----stands for frosted color combination, color ration 4:1, also known as Piano color. This means that you get 4 times more of the basic color than he highlights. The highlights are not as obvious or chunky. (This color coding is most common for brands like Harlem 125 and Janet Collection)

TT colors, examples (TT1B/27, TT1B/BURG, TT1B/350, etc)----stands for two tone color combination. You get one color on top, and another color on the bottom. (The use of this coding is more popular for hair extensions and weaving hair.)

P colors in the middle, examples (4P27, 4P30, etc)----stands for patchy color combination. You get a significant amount of highlights that comes in chunks among the basic color. (This color coding is most common for brands like Motown Tress)
We hope this information in color interpretation was useful. Please remember that some brands may be exclusion to the rules above.

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